Henry de Monfreid on his donkey with his servant Ali. Chercher Mountains, Harrar province, Ethiopia. 1911-1912 [703×496]
Henry de Monfreid on his donkey with his servant Ali. Chercher Mountains, Harrar province, Ethiopia. 1911-1912
Henry de Monfreid on his donkey with his servant Ali. Chercher Mountains, Harrar province, Ethiopia. 1911-1912
Caliph Abdülmecid II being officially informed by a delegation of his dethronment and the abolition of Caliphate. March 3, 1924....
France's CNews channel grilled by lawmakers over biaised content Source: lemonde.fr https://www.lemonde.fr/en/france/article/2024/03/14/france-s-right-wing-tv-news-grilled-by-lawmakers_6619226_7.html
Pupils of the Whittier Primary School saluting the flag, using the Bellamy salute. Virginia, United States. 1899