Was shopping at Hy-Vee and saw this dried milk spill. Reminds me of the alien from,OMG, The Simpsons! The glowing green one.
Was shopping at Hy-Vee and saw this dried milk spill. Reminds me of the alien from,OMG, The Simpsons! The glowing ...
Was shopping at Hy-Vee and saw this dried milk spill. Reminds me of the alien from,OMG, The Simpsons! The glowing ...
I hope this smile reminds you that there's always a reason to be happy
Senator Wyden Reminds White House Feckless Regulators Have Resulted In Pathetic Security On U.S. Wireless Networks Source: techdirt.com https://www.techdirt.com/2024/03/14/senator-wyden-reminds-white-house-feckless-regulators-have-resulted-in-pathetic-security-on-u-s-wireless-networks/
Taylor Swift reminds you to vote today 🩷